Spreading the good word of Big Listening and Minimum Viable Campaigning

This week, our illustrious leader, Rachel Weidinger, is present at the Greenpeace Digital Mobilisation Skillshare outside Barcelona. (Follow along on Twitter at #GPDMS).
This morning, Rachel led a session with global campaigners and organizers on Upwell's model of Big Listening and campaigning (for more on Big Listening, check out Rachel's guest post on Beth Kanter's blog). She not only explained what we do - she also had participants break out into groups to apply Upwell's model to other issue areas. Believe it or not, what we do doesn't just work for the ocean conversation!
Brian Fitzgerald, Greenpeace's Head of Digital Networking and Mobilization, blogged his notes from the session, as well as his awesome work at using our methodology for Indonesia's rainforests. Check out the awesomeness he and his team made:

I thought Brian's post was so awesome, I left a comment for him. You should too!
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