A #sharkweek Sharkinar is so much more delightful than a webinar
This morning, we're convening some of the top social minds in sharkiness to talk #sharkweek. THE SHARKINAR IS UPON US.
Defending Sharks Online During Shark Week
If you talk about sharks online, please join the crew of activists, scientists, bloggers, journalists, super-tweeters, and nonprofits at 11am PST/ 2pm EST to discuss how we can change the Shark Week online conversation together.
During the sharkinar we’ll:
• Share Upwell’s “State of the Shark” conversation, and our online shark conversation baseline data
• Discuss your Shark Week plans, and provide resources to support each other’s campaigns
• Provide tips for increasing the volume of shark conservation mentions online
Register now for the Sharkinar.
Sharkinar resource round up
- Follow The Sharkinar Twitter List
- Live notes from the Sharkinar: http://bit.ly/sharkinarnotes
- Upwell's Shark Week Toolkit (link to come)
- State of the Shark Online (slides, recording and blog post to come)
- Top Shark Influencers
- Sharkinar Recording (link to come)
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