Big Listening for Overfishing & Fisheries

Today marks the release of our latest, fresh-off-the-docks report on ocean issues through the eyes of the internet.
Overfishing & Fisheries: The State of the Online Conversation
Covering 2012-2014, in this report we draw on millions of social posts to provide data-informed insights for scientists, campaigners, communicators and funders interested in using the web to improve ocean health and abundance.
Take a look, and let us know what you think.
But wait, there's more!
To preview the findings and share them with our beloved Team Ocean (hint: that's you), we're also convening The Overfishinar, a webinar (and so much more) about overfishing.
The Overfishinar will be held today at 11am pacific time. You can register now, or come back to view the recording after its done. (The hashtag to follow the proceedings is, you guessed it, #overfishinar).
UPDATE: You can now watch the Overfishinar!
If you're more of a tl;dr kinda person, you're still in luck:
our handy Overfishing Communications Cheat Sheet summarizes the key tips for effective internetting.

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