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Tatzoo takes over Upwell
We opened Upwell’s doors to the Tatzoo project this summer, and we couldn’t be more jazzed. Tatzoo is a training program for emerging conservation leaders in the Bay Area.
Twelve fellows are learning strategic communications, social media, and DIY activism, and launching creative team projects to help protect three local endangered species - the blue whale, Langes' Metalmark Butterfly and the San Francisco Garter Snake.

At the end of the summer, each fellow gets a kickass tattoo of their species for their leadership.
>> Follow Tatzoo on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. <<
I have the pleasure of being the social media mentor for the program, and was super excited to welcome them into our space. I am also excited to use the strength of Upwell to help the Blue Whale team bring an ocean-y conservation ethic to the Bay Area.
We have a beautiful space in North Beach full of creative inspiration and good food, not to mention a sunny deck:

We love to lend our space to like-minded folks in the bay area. Interested? Email me!